SCOTTISH LibDem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton has been reminded of his off-microphone remarks towards a government minister.

Cole-Hamilton, the MSP for Edinburgh Western, said “f*** you” towards Maree Todd, during a committee meeting who was then minister for children and young people, as reported exclusively by The National. He was forced to apologise in Holyrood for the comment.

It was brought up again on Thursday during a debate on gender sensitivity in Parliament when Kevin Stewart MSP decided to remind the LibDem leader of the incident.

The party leader, said: “This order has also highlighted an issue that is becoming all too normalised within our politics. The environment we work in can be brutal and is becoming more hostile – while we all experience hostility, female politicians receive a disproportionate amount of abuse."

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The transport minister in a point of order, retorted: “I wonder presiding officer, what Mr Cole-Hamilton thinks of the phrase ‘F*** you Maree’ and how that fits into gender sensitivity?”

The Edinburgh Western MSP, said: “I am dismayed that Kevin Stewart has sought to shatter the consensus that we have worked hard to foster this afternoon. It is a matter of public record that I said that, it is also a matter of public record that I have apologised in this Chamber – to members of this Parliament and Maree Todd herself – and I reiterate that apology today.

“I am not a saint, but I do recognise the shortcomings of my own character, I have sought to address those.

“It is one of the reasons I sought out membership of this gender sensitivity board is because I recognise how far the parliament still needs to travel.”

At the time Cole-Hamilton said sorry after Maree Todd responded to a tweet about The National's article on the issue. She said: "Those who spotted this at the time at committee thought it was directed at me. Having seen the footage I’m inclined to agree. The swearing is appalling but the face contorted with anger also requires some explanation. Be grateful to hear it @agcolehamilton @scotlibdems"

Cole-Hamilton responded: "Hands up, I lost my temper here. I was frustrated by your government backsliding on children’s rights once again (as long-grassing UNCRC incorporation would have been). Nevertheless I muttered something under my breath that I shouldn’t have and I apologise."