A COMMUNITY hub that provides support to Ukrainian refugees in North Ayrshire has opened in Kilwinning.

Hosted in Cranberry Moss Community Centre, the hub allows the refugees to have access to educational and language classes with guest speakers also being invited to hold talks.

The hub also acts as a donation point as toys, clothes, and homeware can also be handed in for collection.

North Ayrshire Council Leader Marie Burns said: “It was an honour to attend the opening of what will be a vital resource for our Ukrainian guests.

“The hub at Cranberry Moss not only provides a focal point for Ukrainians to meet and socialise, but it will also be an important source of information and support.

“We’re delighted to continue to offer whatever support we can.”

Activities will be organised in consultation with the Ukrainians who use the hub, as it intends to allow them to celebrate their culture by showing screenings of football games and religious services.

The Council’s Refugee Task Force created the space as part of their aim to help Ukrainian refugees settle in North Ayrshire.

Locality Officers from the council will update the hub with regular information and provide a support service.

The Task Force also provides help to Ukrainians so that they can easily access health services and education, as well as support to enter the workforce or training programmes.

Over 200 Ukrainian refugees currently reside in North Ayrshire, with the number expected to increase over the coming months.