KAREN Gillan has led the celebrations of Scotland and its people held in New York City.

The award-winning actress was named as Grand Marshal of the 2022 Tartan Day Parade in January and on Saturday was at the helm of the parade followed by a lively procession of pipe and drum bands, Highland dancers, Scottish family clans, Shetlander Vikings, and more.

Gillan is only the second woman to ever lead the parade, after singer KT Tunstall in 2018.

It comes after Tartan Day was celebrated across North America on April 6, marking the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Arbroath.

READ MORE: What are the North American Tartan Day celebrations and how did they start?

A US Senate resolution passed in 1998 creating the day noted: “The American Declaration of Independence was modeled on that inspirational document.”

The annual celebration of Scottish heritage and culture brings together a rich tapestry of participants along with many thousands of spectators.

This year’s celebrations have seen a variety of Scottish-themed events held across New York city throughout the week in the lead-up to Saturday’s parade.

The Scottish Government tweeted that alumni from several Scottish universities had taken part in the parade, as well as Constitution Secretary Angus Robertson.

Robertson has been on a small tour of eastern North America, visiting Canada and Washington DC to improve links with Scotland.

New Yorkers were also treated to a taste of Scotland at the Tartan Day Takeaway event on Wednesday, hosted by famed Scottish chef Tony Singh.

Hosted next to Madison Square Park in Manhattan, the pop-up food truck’s menu, inspired by Tony Singh’s Scottish Sikh heritage, featured Punjabi Salmon Tacos, Kheer with Islay Whisky Sweet Mango, washed down with Scotland’s “other national drink” Irn Bru.

The Tartan Day festivities also featured Finlay Wilson, the Kilted Yogi who conducted some fun-filled kilted yoga with passers-by and fuelled by Scottish music.

Vicki Miller, VisitScotland director of marketing and digital, said: “After a two-year break, VisitScotland is thrilled to be back in North America and part of Tartan Week.

“North America is Scotland’s largest international market, and the return of these visitors is vital for the long-term recovery of our valuable tourism and events industry.

“Tartan Week, and creative events such as the Tartan Day Takeaway, are a key part of our work to keep Scotland top of mind and rebuild international demand. It complements our global marketing ‘Scotland is Calling’ campaign - which aims to make Scotland the destination of choice for all visitors in 2022 and beyond - as well as our work with inbound travel trade and airline partners to secure the return of direct routes.

“We know there is pent-up demand for travel and hope North America has enjoyed a flavour of the best Scotland has to offer this week. Scotland is open and our tourism and events industry looks forward to welcoming back visitors.”