IAN Blackford has called for Boris Johnson to be removed as Prime Minister after he refused to resign over the Downing Street Christmas party scandal.

The SNP Westminster leader asked Johnson if he would resign during PMQs on Wednesday, adding that the Tory leader had “shattered the public trust”.

But the PM hunkered down, refused to answer Blackford’s questions and repeatedly said he intended to “get on with the job”.

The noisy PMQs featured frontbench Tories being chastised by the Speaker for trying to drown out Blackford and the PM trying to claim opposition parties were “muddying the waters about events or non events of a year ago”.

READ MORE: Downing Street Christmas party: UK newspapers react to the story

It comes after a furious public backlash caused by leaked footage uncovered by ITV, which showed senior aides joking about a festive gathering just days after it reportedly took place last December.

The scandal is the latest to dog the Prime Minister, after weeks of Tory sleaze allegations stemming from the row over Owen Paterson’s lobbying and subsequent suspension.

And now, in the House of Commons, Johnson deployed his favourite tactic of completely ignoring the question.

The National:

Blackford told MPs that due to rising Omicron cases the UK is on the “cliff edge” of another challenging moment in the pandemic.

He continued: “Tough decisions will again have to be made to save lives and protect our NHS. Trust in leadership is a matter of life and death.

“Downing Street wilfully broke the rules and mocked the sacrifices we have all made, shattering the public’s trust.

“The Prime Minister is responsible for losing the trust of the people, he can no longer lead on the most pressing issue facing these islands.

 “The Prime Minister has a duty, the only right and moral choice left to him, it is for his resignation, when can we expect it?”

Johnson briefly replied: “The party opposite and the other party opposite are going to continue to play politics, I am going to get on with the job.”

Blackford continued to probe the PM and signalled to backbench Tory MPs that the time had come for them to oust their leader.

He added that the public had sacrificed births, funerals and spending time with loved ones in their final moments during lockdown, stating that the UK Government “has laughed in our faces”.

Blackford said: “It is clear that this Prime Minister has lost the support of the public and now even his own benches, this is not a grin and bear it moment, this is a moment of moral reckoning.

“Every member of the Conservative benches must now decide is this the man to lead these islands when lives are at stake.

READ MORE: Scottish Tory MPs did not engage with UK over carbon capture funding

“It is clear that this Prime Minister intends to desperately cling on to power, and I have nothing left to say to a man whose answers we simply can’t trust, so Mr Speaker…”

Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle was forced to intervene as Blackford spoke due to the level of noise coming from the Tory benches, which were drowning out his speech.

The Speaker said: “Order, I will hear this question whether the front bench likes it or not, can I just say I’m expecting better behaviour. The public are out there questioning this parliament, don’t answer that question.”

MPs quietened down, and Blackford added: “So it is time for the members in this house to act, if he doesn’t resign, then he must be removed.”

The National:

Johnson replied by sarcastically thanking Blackford for his “vote of support and thanks” and again repeated he was going to “get on with the job”.

Johnson added: “I believe that is what is the right thing to do and I think it is very, very sad that when the public need to hear clarity from their officials and politicains, the parties opposite are trying to muddy the waters about events or non-events of a year ago.

“And that is what they’re doing today.”

It comes after the Commons erupted in anger as Johnson attempted to duck responsibility over the festive party.

At the beginning of PMQs he read out a short statement claiming he “understands and shares” the anger at Number 10 staff from the public.