THE Royal National Mod 2021 is now underway as a jam-packed Saturday full of events kicks off at Inverness’ Eden Court and throughout the city.
The nine-day festival launched with the Opening Mod Concert at Empire Theatre last night, featuring performances from young folk collective Staran, West Highland outfit Glenfinnan Ceilidh Band and legendary Gaelic singer Margaret Stewart.
Today will feature plenty of action for sports fans, with Mod Shinty Cup competitions the Women’s Mod Cup and Men’s Mod Cup, as well as The Mod Football Cup all taking place.
The free Mod Shinty Cup event will kick off at Bught Park at 12.30pm where Inverness and Alba Women will go head to head in the Women’s Mod Cup.
READ MORE: National Mod kicks off as new Gaelic ambassador is announced
At 2.30pm, Inverness and Strathglass will take to the pitch for the Men’s Mod Cup to battle it out for The Aviemore Trophy.
Meanwhile, the free Mod Football Cup event will take place at 2pm at Inverness Royal Academy, with local champions Loch Ness FC and Glasgow Island competing for the Mod Cup.
Gig lovers are in for a treat as the special Our Language, Our Music concert will feature an all-star line-up of guest musicians.
Notable fiddle player Duncan Chisholm, award-winning multi-instrumentalist Mairearad Green, Isle of Lewis piper and flautist James Duncan Mackenzie and the Canan’s Ar Ceol House Band will get toes tapping at the Empire Theatre, Eden Court at 7.30pm.
There will also be a host of up and coming musical talent as young Gaelic musicians will take to the stage for the first time.
Other events taking place throughout the day include Disathairne A’ Mhad, a compilation of the best performances submitted online, Ruith Nan Gaidheal, a Gaelic fun-run at Canal Parks beside the Rugby Club at 8.45am, Marloch Aig A’ Mhad, an evening of traditional music with musical trio Marloch at The Botanic House from 8pm and a free family-friendly Pop-Up Ceilidh at 11am at Falcon Square.
Youngsters can also take part in the free Gaelic Medium Shinty Coaching Session for under 14s, run by Gaelic speaking coaches from Ioamain Cholmcille and Inverness Shinty Club at 12pm at Bught Park.
This will be followed by the Cruinneachadh nan Caman, a shinty competition with a Gaelic flavour for Inverness kids at 12pm.
James Graham, CEO of An Comunn Gaidhealach, said: “It was amazing to see everyone come together yesterday evening for the Opening Mod Concert, especially after we’ve all went so long without live music.
“Fans of Gaelic music, sport and culture are in for a treat today as we’ve got a whole host of events lined up. The Mod Shinty Cup and The Mod Cup Football are really special events and will be thrilling matches to watch.
“Our Language, Our Music has such brilliant talent on offer and it’s really exciting that we’ve got a selection of up and coming young musicians performing, who I’m sure will be following in the footsteps of the likes of Mairearad Green and Duncan Chisholm very soon.”
Chair of The Highland Council’s Gaelic Committee, councillor Calum Munro, said: “It was fantastic to be at the Mod opening yesterday and to be part of the celebrations of Gaelic music, sport and culture.
"The Mod has a huge offering to a wide audience of all ages to share in the joy and experience of celebrating the Gaelic language.
"I encourage people to support the event and check out the Mod programme at”
Shona MacLennan, Ceannard, Bord na Gaidhlig, said: “The Opening Mod Concert provided the perfect curtain raiser for many parts of the Gaelic world to come together in celebration of music, sport and culture.
"The Royal National Mod offers a huge range of activities which will engage people in Gaelic culture, as well as opportunities to use the language in fun and lively ways.
"The aim of the National Gaelic Language Plan is to see more people use Gaelic more often and in more situations and the week’s programme will certainly help achieve that.”
The Royal National Mod 2021 is taking place until Saturday October 16 at Eden Court Theatre in Inverness.
Using a hybrid approach, there is a combination of in-person concerts and competitions, as well as a dynamic schedule of online performances being broadcast throughout the week.
READ MORE: Use Gaelic in 'every area of daily life', Scots urged ahead of 2021's Mod
A number of Covid safety measures are in place for this year’s Mod in line with government guidelines to keep audiences and performers safe, including extensive cleaning and ongoing Covid safety checks, enhanced hygiene measures, use of face masks and track and trace check-ins.
Highlights of the celebration will include major competitions An Comunn Gaidhealach Gold Medal final and the Traditional Gold Medal. There will also be unmissable performances fiddler Lauren MacColl and many more.
The prestigious festival, which was founded in 1891, is supported by Bord na Gaidhlig, The Highland Council, EventScotland, The Scottish Government, HIE, Caledonian MacBrayne, The Inverness Common Good Fund and SQA.
The full programme for this year’s Royal National Mod can be viewed at
Tickets are available to buy from Eden Court box office
Tha am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail 2021 dha-rìribh air shiubhal a-nis, le Disathairne a’ Mhòid a tha loma-làn thachartasan ga chur a dhol ann an Cùirt Eden agus air feadh a’ bhaile.
Chuireadh an fhèis naoi-latha seo air bhog ann an stoidhle a-raoir aig Cuirm Fhosglaidh a’ Mhòid san Empire Theatre, a’ nochdadh ghnìomhaidhean cuimhneachail bhon chòmhlan òigridh Staran, Còmhlan Ciùil Ghleann Fhionnainn à taobh siar na Gàidhealtachd agus an seinneadair cliùiteach Gàidhlig, Maighread Stiùbhart.
An-diugh bidh cothrom aig luchd-leantainn spòrs air gu leòr ghnìomhaidhean fhaicinn, eadar farpaisean Cupa Iomain a’ Mhòid agus Cupa Mòid nam Ban agus Cupa Mòid nam Fear, a thuilleadh air Cupa Ball-coise a’ Mhòid a’ gabhail àite cuideachd.
Bidh Cupa Iomain a’ Mhòid, a bhios an-asgaidh, a’ tòiseachadh ann am Pàirc Bught aig 12.30f far am bi Inbhir Nis agus Mnathan Alba a’ dol an aghaidh a chèile ann an Cupa Mòid nam Ban. Aig 2.30f, bidh Inbhir Nis agus Srath Ghlais a’ gabhail chun an raoin chluiche airson Cupa Mòid nam Fear, a dhèanamh strì airson Duais an Aghaidh Mhòir.
Aig an aon àm, bidh tachartas Cupa Ball-coise a’ Mhòid a’ gabhail àite aig 2f aig Acadamaidh Rìoghail Inbhir Nis, leis na gaisgich ionadail Loch Nis FC agus Glasgow Island a’ farpais airson Cupa a’ Mhòid.
Abair gum bi trèat a’ feitheamh air luchd-èisteachd Àr Cànan, ’s Ar Ceòl agus a’ chuirm-chiùil seo a’ taisbeanadh sreath de luchd-ciùil ainmeil air aoigheachd.
Cuiridh am fìdhlear cliùiteach Donnchadh Siosalach, am buannaiche ioma-ionnsramaideach Mairearad Green, am pìobaire ’s an cluicheadair-duiseil à Eilean Leòdhais Seumas Donnchadh MacCoinnich agus còmhlan taighe iongantach Ar Cànan ’s Ar Ceòl, na casan a dhol le aighearachd ann an Theatar Cùirt Eden aig 7.30f. Bidh mòran tàlaint eile ri chluinntinn agus luchd-ciùil òg Gàidhlig a’ gabhail chun an àrd-ùrlair airson a’ chiad uair.
Am measg nan tachartasan eile air an latha tha Disathairne a’ Mhòid, cruinneachadh de na gnìomhaidhean as fheàrr a chuireadh a-steach air-loidhne, Ruith nan Gàidheal, rèis spòrsail aig Canal Parks ri taobh Club an Rugbaidh aig 8.45m, Marloch aig a’ Mhòd, feasgar de cheòl traidiseanta leis an triùir luchd-ciùil Marloch ann an Taigh Botanic bho 8f agus Cèilidh Pop-Up teaghlaich an-asgaidh aig 11m ann an Ceàrnag na Seabhaig.
Faodaidh òigridh fo 14 bliadhna a dh’aois pàirt a ghabhail ann an Seisean Coidsidh Iomain tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig an-asgaidh, air a ruith le coidsichean le Gàidhlig bho Iomain Cholmcille agus Club Iomain Inbhir Nis, aig 12f ann am Pàirc Bught. Thèid seo a leantainn le Cruinneachadh nan Caman, farpais iomain le blas Gàidhlig do chlann Inbhir Nis aig 12f.
Thuirt Seumas Greumach, Àrd-Oifigear a’ Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich: “Bha e dìreach iongantach a’ faicinn gach neach a’ tighinn còmhla feasgar an-dè airson Cuirm Fhosglaidh a’ Mhòid, gu h-àraid agus sinn air a dhol cho fada às aonais ceòl beò.
“Tha trèat a’ feitheamh orrasan an-diugh a bhios a’ leantainn ceòl, spòrs agus cultar na Gàidhlig oir tha sreath mòr de thachartasan againn dhaibh. Tha Cupa Iomain a’ Mhòid agus Ball-coise Cupa a’ Mhòid nan tachartasan sònraichte agus bidh iad nan geamannan a bhios mìorbhaileach an coimhead.
“Tha a leithid de thàlant ga thabhann aig Ar Cànan, ’s Ar Ceòl agus tha e fìor bhrosnachail gu bheil taghadh againn de luchd-ciùil òg a’ tighinn am bàrr a bhios air àrd-ùrlar, agus a bhios tha mi cinnteach a’ leantainn ann an lorgan leithid Mairearad Green agus Donnchadh Siosalach ann an ùine nach bi fada.”
Thuirt Calum Rothach, Cathraiche Comataidh Ghàidhlig Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd: “Bha e mìorbhaileach a bhith aig fosgladh a’ Mhòid an-dè agus a bhith nam phàirt de na subhachasan an lùib ceòl, spòrs agus cultar na Gàidhlig.
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Tha mòran aig a’ Mhòd ri thabhann do fharsaingeachd de luchd-èisteachd de gach aois a bhith com-pàirteach san aoibhneas agus san eòlas an lùib comharrachadh a’ chànain. Tha mi a’ misneachadh dhaoine gu taic a chur ris an tachartas agus am prògram air fad a sgrùdadh aig”
Thuirt Shona NicIllinnein, Ceannard, Bòrd na Gàidhlig: “Thug Cuirm Fhosglaidh a’ Mhòid cothrom math do mhòran phàirtean de shaoghal na Gàidhlig a thighinn còmhla a chomharrachadh ceòl, spòrs agus cultar na Gàidhlig. Tha am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail a’ tabhann raon àibheiseach de ghnìomhachdan a bheir daoine an lùib cultar na Gàidhlig a thuilleadh air cothroman air an cànan a chleachdadh ann an dòighean spòrsail agus beòthail. Is e amas Plana Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig a bhith a’ faicinn barrachd dhaoine a’ cleachdadh na Gàidhlig nas trice agus ann am barrachd shuidheachaidhean agus cuidichidh prògram na seachdaine seo leis an sin.”
Bidh am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail 2021 a’ gabhail àite bho Dihaoine 8 - 16 Dàmhair 2021 ann an Cùirt Edan ann an inbhir Nis. A’ cleachdadh modh-obrach tar-chinealach, bidh measgachadh de chuirmean-ciùil is fharpaisean a’ gabhail àite gu pearsanta, a thuilleadh air clàr daineamach de ghnìomhaidhean air-loidhne a bhios gan craobh-sgaoileadh fad na seachdaine.
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Bidh àireamh de cheumannan sàbhailteachd COVID nan àite airson Mòd na bliadhna seo ann an co-rèir ri stiùiridhean an riaghaltais, gus luchd-èisteachd agus farpaisich a chumail sàbhailte, a’ gabhail a-steach glanadh mionaideach agus sgrùdaidhean sàbhailteachd leantainneach COVID, tomhaisean slàinteachais cùramach, cleachdadh còmhdach aodainn agus sgrùdaidhean trac is lorg.
Bidh bàrr-phuingean an t-subhachais a’ gabhail a-steach nam prìomh fharpaisean, farpais chrìochnachaidh Bonn Òir a’ Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich agus Bonn Òir an t-Seann Nòis. Bidh gnìomhaidhean nach bu chòir a chall cuideachd ann bho “fuaim ùr Alba thraidiseanta” Donnchadh Siosalach, am fìdhlear Lauren NicCholla, buidheann ùr Staran, Còmhlan Cèilidh Ghleann Fhionnainn, an seinneadair ainmeil Gàidhlig Maighread Stiùbhart, agus mòran eile.
Tha an fhèis chliùiteach seo a chaidh a stèidheachadh ann an 1891, a’ faotainn taic bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig, Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd, EventScotland, Riaghaltas na h-Alba, HIE, Caledonian Mac a’ Bhriuthainn, Maoin Mhath Choitcheann Inbhir Nis agus SQA.
Faodar prògram iomlan Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail na bliadhna seo fhaicinn aig Tiogaidean rim faotainn len ceannach bho oifis Chùirt Eden aig
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