PEOPLE of all ages with learning disabilities are almost 11 times more likely to die prematurely from respiratory illness compared to the rest of the population, a study has found.

Research into respiratory-associated deaths by the Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory (SLDO) showed the risk of death from pneumonia was almost 27 times higher.

The SDLO, based in the Institute of Health and Wellbeing at the University of Glasgow, says respiratory deaths are avoidable, with common causes being from treatable and preventable conditions. The study examined data from more than 90,000 people with learning disabilities and 27,394 deaths, using literature published over the last 24 years.

Lead author Dr Maria Truesdale said: “The research highlighted a number of inequalities in the care of people with learning disabilities.

“They are dying prematurely from causes that could be prevented. There is an urgent need for greater understanding and awareness across health and social care of the specific health and care needs of people with learning disabilities and in particular of the specific risk factors that contribute to premature deaths. We must act to now reduce preventable deaths.”

“We are calling for a number of actions including raising awareness among primary care staff of the link between dysphagia [difficulty swallowing] and recurrent chest infections, action to increase uptake of relevant vaccination programmes in the population with learning disabilities and practice-based approaches to address the common risk factors related to a higher risk of respiratory-associated deaths.”

Dr Bhautesh Jani, a GP and clinical senior lecturer in primary care said: “The findings from this study have important implications for general practice. In the short term, primary care staff managing respiratory illness in people with learning disabilities need to consider significantly higher risk of mortality associated with these presentations.

“In the long term, factors contributing to observed higher mortality needs further research to improve primary care management and prevent premature mortality in people with learning disabilities.”

The study authors say further research is needed to understand more about the specific underlying causes which put people with learning disabilities at increased risk.

The SLDO is funded by the Scottish Government to help address the health inequalities experienced by people with learning disabilities.