EURO 2020 will come to a close tomorrow as England face Italy - and so will our special offer for new subscribers.

For the past month we’ve been offering two months' subscription for just £1, but that offer will end with the European tournament.

It’s only with the support of our subscribers that we can invest in the journalism and projects that make the case for Yes ever stronger.

Perhaps you’re one of the thousands of people newly visiting our website because of our front page in support of the Italian team, which has gone viral across the continent.

If so, why don’t you stick around for a couple of months and see some of our hard-hitting journalism making the case for an independent Scotland?


For just £1, you’ll be able to read top voices like Lesley Riddoch, David Pratt, and Ruth Wishart with fewer ads and no annoying paywalls.

That means a subscription to The National costs 1/500,000th as much as a Tory peerage and, unlike the House of Lords, will still be useful after independence.

We’ve introduced our new National Extra offering too – commissioning experts from across Scotland to analyse and offer a fresh perspective on major stories as they happen.

The National:

To take advantage of the offer and gain unlimited access to The National’s site for just £1 for two months, head over to our subscriptions page at

There, you’ll see three options:

- Our Premium subscription, for £1.53 per week

- Our Premium Plus subscription, for less than £2.50 per week

- Our Print Only subscription, from £6.66 per week

Our special Euro 2020 offer can be found under the “Premium Plus” plan – again, that’s £1 for two months, then £9.99 monthly afterwards if you choose to stick with us.

With that subscription, you’ll see 80% fewer adverts on our website and have unlimited access to all our stories, including premium articles.


You’ll have access to our daily Pagesuite edition, a digital replica of the newspaper, including the Sunday.

Plus: apps, gift incentives and free access to the Scottish Gardener, Scottish Mountaineer and Scottish Walks and Cycling magazines.

Thank you for your support.