I SOMETIMES think the words we use to describe our movement gives too much ammunition to our political opponents, and we should try harder to refrain from their use. Far too often our meaning is deliberately misconstrued and repeated against us over and over again despite correction. It’s so frustrating.

“National” interpreted as “nationalist”, implying fascist tendencies. “Once in a generation” meaning that referendums can only occur after a fixed set of years. It became a popular soundbite from our opponents in their bid to counteract the democratic right and will of the Scottish people.

But the word I’d like us to avoid is “independence”. I know it means free from the shackles of Westminster, free from the rule of another country, and free to make our own future decisions but it can also imply going it alone, self-sufficiency, insularity. Which of course couldn’t be further from the truth. Once independent, our outward, sharing, co-operative and befriending tendencies would abound. Our strengths recognised worldwide. So roll on self-determination and let’s kick the word ‘“independence” into the long grass!

Robin MacLean

Fort Augustus