WE are delighted to report news of an initiative that could spread through the Yes movement – especially those groups with hubs or offices.

The Edinburgh Yes Hub is now selling Scottish produce, including tinned goods, snacks, sweets, eggs and other non-food goods such as soap and jewellery.

The Hub says : “It is early days so the list of Scottish products is only going to grow.”

Mike Blackshaw, manager of the Yes Hub, said: “This is not just a means to keep the Hub going during these difficult times. It’s also to support Scottish producers as the Scottish brand is under serious threat, with Union Jackery from the supermarkets, undermining by the UK Government and the likely impact of future trade deals with the likes of the United States.

“All surplus profits will be used for Scottish independence supporting projects.”

Blackshaw added: “If you want to support the Yes Hub, the Yes movement and Scottish producers whilst shopping, give the Yes Hub a visit.”

In an article in the Hub’s latest magazine, Janet Fenton recalls: “In the weeks before the last Scottish indy referendum when, during the heyday of our positive political engagement I overheard two wee boys in Morrisons discussing which of the ‘fush’ on sale ‘wiz Scottish’ because they thought that in a future free Scotland they’d need, ‘tae buy Scottish fush tae build the economy’.

“They were right of course, and of the all actions open to us at the present time, buying Scottish seems a bit similar to spending your money on your shoes or your bed. So it’s time to come into the Hub and spend, like you are in the early days of a better shopping experience.”

Blackshaw is also considering opening new hubs. “I wish to open up some other hubs on the run up to the May Holyrood election,” he said.

“This is not a referendum but it is the biggest election of my 71 years.”

“To me the SNP – and I am a member – are sleeping. Yes, the world health pandemic is a major problem in campaigning, but we need to show a presence on

the ground. At 31 Lasswade Road, Edinburgh, we have a street presence, a place for Yessers to buy products, a political library matching Central Library, a place to campaign from, a place to be seen.

“We also have non-Yes supporters coming in with food for the food bank, which also makes us a community service. Locals now say good morning – two years ago they crossed the street to avoid contact.

“Any ideas from you would go a long way, although money is important. I think we have to make every effort to win massively and every piece of pre-election effort will assist us to do that.”

You can e-mail Blackshaw on yescafe.edinsouth@gmail.com.