Pete Wishart went on a metaphor-fuelled speech about the Tory funding for the NHS, saying it's a "mad ride" led by Dominic Cummings and his "weirdos and misfits". 

The SNP MP took aim at Chief Secretary to the Treasury Steve Barclay for the new-found money which has been dedicated to tackling the coronavirus outbreak.

He spent much of his speaking time criticising the Austerity measures in place and didn't hold back in ridiculing Barclay's responses.


He said it was the "most remarkable, curious budget I have ever seen in my 20 years in Parliament".

Wishart finished his time with a simple "God help you all", accompanied by laughter from the audience.

Tonight's episode was particularly tough on Barclay, who had to face up to NHS workers in the audience reminding him of the impact Tory funding has had on the NHS.

READ MORE: Coronavirus: 'Government has lost control', expert says on BBC QT

He also faced a barrage of criticism from Professor John Ashton who said he is "embarrassed" that the UK has "lost control" with coronavirus.