FOR decades, Scotland has been used by the Ministry of Defence to dump everything from nuclear waste to unwanted munitions.

For example, Beaufort's Dyke, which lies betweet Scotland and Northern Ireland, is packed with laboratory waste, chemical munitions and artillery rockets. The decision by the MoD to use it as a dumping ground has effectively ruled out any possibilty of using that crossing for a Scotland to Northern Ireland bridge (if ever such a thing was viable in the first place).

The military have also launched tonnes of depleted uranium shells into the nearby Solway Firth.

Given the UK Government's history, it's no real surprise to discover they are now working on plans to increase the amount of nuclear waste pumped into the Gare Loch from the Faslane naval base.

READ MORE: The MoD is using Scotland as the UK's nuclear dumping ground

Current plans could see waste increasing by up to fifty times the current amount.

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