THE vital role of dogs in the lives of people who are homeless is being recognised by a leading homelessness charity.

Simon Community Scotland is issuing guidance on how landlords and local authorities can respond to homeless people and their pets.

The Paws for Thought guidance, which will launch at an event attended by Housing Minister Kevin Stewart today, will inform people on how dogs give homeless people companionship, a reason to exercise, and more.

Lorraine McGrath, CEO of Simon Community Scotland said nobody should have to choose between having somewhere to live and keeping their pet. She went on: “What makes this choice even harder is the trauma and loss many of the people we support have experienced.

“Being asked to give up the only constant in their lives that gives them company, purpose, security and love simply adds more trauma and loss to an already awful journey.

“The great thing is it doesn’t have to be like that, being dog and pet friendly isn’t that hard. This document shares the experiences and opportunities to provide that approach.”

Stewart, pictured, praised the report’s positive recommendations. He added: “A person-centred approach is a key part of our ambition for delivering the Ending Homelessness Together Action Plan, and I’m clear that respecting people’s meaningful and important relationships with their pets is an important element of that.”