LIKE George Kerevan, I was excited by Common Weal’s ideas in The Common Home Plan which was reported in the Sunday National. His article discussing his views of the plan is the most important that is ever likely to appear in your paper (Scotland needs a Yes-style grassroots movement to drive action on climate, November 11).

Like many Green supporters, I have been refraining from speaking bluntly about the extraordinary changes that are going to happen to our civilisation one way or the other in the very near future. Now George Kerevan has opened the entire range of issues in one fell swoop.

READ MORE: Scotland needs a Yes-style movement to drive climate action

Oddly, the recent correspondence arguing whether a Green vote was anti-SNP adumbrated the probability that many Yessers were hauddin thair wheisht until Scotland was free. But now, after the SNP’s carefully crafted policy of not confronting vested interests has been set out in The National, it is clear that it is better for Greens to state their case forthrightly.

My first blast, in the Knoxian sense, is that the Green movement is based on democracy, sustainability, equality and subsidiarity. The last word means passing power down to the lowest possible level, which I have always taken to mean Scottish independence initially. Therefore every Green vote is a freedom vote. This in turn is the best way to avoid Brexit, remembering that in the 10 years it will take Westminster to renegotiate all its trade deals (which, being based on today’s conditions, will be irrelevant even before they are finished) is all the time we have left to save our planet, and in these 10 years we must radically reshape Scotland to be a world leader in good governance and sustainability.

I just thought of a new slogan: “Get independence done!” Or better still, “Green for go”.

Iain WD Forde

I WOULD like to add to the growing number of letters voicing disquiet at the Scottish Greens’ decision to field candidates in the forthcoming General Election in marginal seats.

Given the Greens’ commitment to independence, my attempts to find some rational explanation for this decision have all ended with the same conclusion. In every aspect it is quite the most unwise decision they could ever have made. Electorally, the certain impact of this decision has been well addressed by previous letter-writers so I shall confine my letter to exploring possible reasons for their decision.

READ MORE: Any Scottish Green MPs would face jeers in the Commons

In relation to the other main parties, the Greens are a young party and I would imagine their membership contains a larger than average proportion of young people. I also imagine its membership is rapidly expanding, especially in that age group, given the vastly increased profile of climate change since the media bandwagon turned its attention to the phenomenon that is Greta Thunberg and the Extinction Rebellion campaign.

The passion and energy of youth is absolutely necessary, welcome and always to be encouraged. The inherent impatience of youth, however, has to be balanced. I quote from ancient wisdom: “patience pays”. Rational, sound political decisions are absolutely essential at this, the most vital of General Elections on the road to independence, which the Greens support. One month until the election. I think our planet will still be here at the end of that month.

I fervently hope the Greens will revise their decision and step aside. In so doing, they will be held in the greatest regard for having made the sensible political decision, and they will reap a rich reward in due course.

On a final note, I have cut out the delightful column on the back page of Seven Days in this past weekend’s Sunday National titled “Our inspiring diaspora looks to a better world.” It was the most uplifting piece of writing in the midst of all the madness, lies and mudslinging that are daily directed our way. I shall make several copies and distribute them when the occasion calls for it. So good to see oorsels as ithers from afar see us!

Jennifer Rodger
West Kilibride

THE greatest prize for those who live in Scotland is independence. Whilst I respect the Scottish Greens’ right to present candidates in constituencies throughout Scotland I think it is vital that in the short term they support the SNP to maximise the number of independence-supporting MPs at Westminster.

In 2014 I was heavily involved with Yes Moffat, a memorable period of cooperation between independence parties and collective community spirit. In the 2015 General Election the momentum was building nationally for the SNP, and locally for their candidate Emma Harper, to strongly challenge the Tories and Scottish Secretary David Mundell. The Greens decided to put forward a candidate to give him some experience. A candidate who had no chance of winning the seat and where the Greens were certain to lose their deposit.

In the end the Tories won the seat by 798 votes and the Greens polled 839 votes. The SNP had a swing of 27.5% and yet the chance to remove the last Tory in Scotland was gone.

So I would ask the Greens to continue to review their candidate decisions, and in marginal seats step aside to leave a clear path for a sole independence candidate. Your time will come and will be hastened if we can show an ever increasing mandate to call indyref2.

Gordon Ferrie

PETE Bell (Letters, November 12) wonders why parties asking the Greens to stand aside in marginal seats don’t ask themselves why their own positions are so weak they’re afraid of a tiny vote going to the Greens. Maybe majorities of two and 21 will give him a clue.

Douglas Turner