PUDSEY bear sickens me to my stomach!

It’s no different from those trolleys for food banks you see in supermarkets. It’s a symbol of a failed system. Westminster fails to provide for the most vulnerable in our country so charities have to pick up the slack.

Who pays the most into these charities? Certainly not the wealthiest – the Rees-Moggs are laughing their arses aff as the poor pay for the poorest. And how much of this charity money actually reaches the poor bairns?

READ MORE: Temporary accommodation cost for homeless families in Edinburgh trebles in just two years

Charity is what Dickensian poor relied on before we had social security!

Get the obscenely rich to pay a fair share into the country they are bleeding dry. Charity is not the answer to society’s ills, charity is the symptom of a rotting government.

Next time you see Pudsey, tell it to get tae!

Mark Harper