A SATIRE about Donald Trump which began on Twitter is the basis for a new artwork called the Trumped-up Tapestry.

In true Trumpian style it is described as the “biggest embroiderment of the truth – since ever!” and is being given its first official showing as part of Cupar Arts Eden.

Set in the early medieval Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia, Donaeld-the-Unready is king. He rides Mare-Horse-One, he is going to Make Mercia Great Again and is going to build a shield-wall to keep out those pesky Danes.

Its creator Mike Middleton, who has been chronicling the events of Trump America on Twitter since the president’s inauguration, said it was a result of his frustration with current politics.

“This hints that history is repeating itself,” he said. “It’s not the first time we have seen the rise of fascism and it is happening again. The Trumped-up Tapestry is a rejection of the current rise in right-wing politics. It aims to ridicule the leaders and highlight how their policies are brutal and selfish.”

Middleton said he had decided to use the historic art form of tapestry to convey his message as he wanted to reclaim the medieval period which he believes has been misappropriated by the far right.

“The early medieval period is often used as foundation and justification for far-right ideas – so much so that the language and imagery of the period has become loaded with a far-right meaning,” said Middleton, whose day job is in the field of archaeology.

“The far right have misappropriated the early medieval period to fit a modern political agenda,” he said. “Most recently, the Christchurch shooter left a social media post saying ‘I will see you in Valhalla’.”

Middleton said he chronicled events as they happened and tried to make his images amusing by highlighting the ironies, inconsistencies and bigotry.

The Trumped-up Tapestry is on show at a free exhibition at Cupar Corn Exchange until June 23.