MHAIRI Black is not one to take abuse lying down and thank goodness for that.

The SNP MP is an expert at shutting down trolls and her commentary on the politics of Westminster is essential reading.

Here's some of her most hilarious Twitter moments.


When she mocked a Tory leadership candidate for meddling in Scottish affairs. Sajid Javid was trolled by Scots after saying that he would not allow a second independence referendum if he became Prime Minister leading to #PermissionFromSajid trending. Black asked him for permission to go to bed.

And when a troll told her to "grow up", Black had the perfect response, telling them: "It’s just a wee laugh on Twitter. Have a night off."


When she put Nigel Farage in his place. The Brexit Party leader said "some remainers have become radicalised, to the extent that normal campaigning is becoming impossible". Black hit back, saying his definition of "normal campaigning" involves "demonising immigrants".


When she tried to control what kind of trolling she receieves by banning references to Despicable Me.


When she urged the Prime Minister to finally just quit with a Gilmore Girls reference. In the show, Paris – editor of Yale University's student newspaper – locks herself in a fort, insisting that she should remain as editor despite her colleagues attempts to get her to leave. Pretty much exactly what happened to Theresa May before she finally announced her resignation.


When she retweeted a Tweet from her parody account. For those not in the know, Black has a parody account which contemplates things she might be Googling.


When she mocked the inconsistency of her haters.


When she mocked the username of one of her trolls.


When she had to stop pretending to fight people on Twitter because David Cameron didn't get the joke.


When she told a troll who called her a "wee ned" and "work shy" that she loved him too.


When she told a troll off for being a telltale.

Black tweeted: "Just seen a stag do floating down the Thames. As their boat went past they began pointing at Parliament chanting, “you don’t know what you’re doing, you don’t know what you’re doing...” Probably the most accurate commentary yet."

But a troll told Nicola Sturgeon Black "admits to not knowing what she’s doing", prompting Black to call them a "grass".




When she ridiculed someone for not being brave enough to swear in their own tweet.


When she had the perfect response to David Mundell twice.


When she said what the nation was thinking regarding the PM's comments on wanting "a smooth and orderly Brexit".


When she stood up for immigrants.


When she slammed a homophobe who said teaching LGBT education in schools is pursuing an "agenda".


When she mocked the Daily Mail'd Brexit front pages.


When she mocked the PM for finally realising the UK is in crisis.


When she asked Donald Trump if he was okay after he responded to the Mueller report.


When she wished she hadn't tweeted certain things as a teenager.


When she pointed out how clueless Theresa May is.


When she had the perfect jibe for someone who claims she only drinks Buckfast.


When she said what we were all thinking about Unionist Twitter.


And finally, when people got triggered she used the word "riddy" and she praised The National for putting her Tweets on the front page

Never change Mhairi!