THERE are none so delusional as those who are plain daft, and the For Britain party have proven it with their reaction to the Leith Walk council by-election in Edinburgh which was won by the SNP’s Rob Munn.

The For Britain Movement’s candidate Paul Mitchell Stirling got exactly 14 first preference votes out of a total of 7267 cast on Thursday. That was two ahead of the Scottish Libertarian Party’s Tom Laird and two behind independent candidate John Scott. For Britain couldn’t even beat Ukip who got 85 votes.

Imagine our surprise when a missive from For Britain electronically thumped onto our newsdesk. We are happy to share its contents because you’ll have the whole weekend to stop laughing...

“For Britain received 0.2% first preference votes of the 7267 valid votes cast, or a mere 14 votes. Our sampling indicates that this hides a higher, but still disappointing, number of lower-tier votes under the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system. In brief, the electors have 'sent us hameward' to think again. Despite the abuse directed at us by some of our opponents, we are committed to British constitutional norms and to the democratic process, so think again we will.

“We had an articulate and sure-footed candidate and, despite its flaws, a reasonable campaign strategy. The result is out of line with continental European voting patterns and with polling data that suggests some of our central policies are popular with the Scottish electorate.

“The theory of a large pool of voters 'red-pilled' culturally in cyberspace who could be easily won over on the ground was not confirmed in practice. Roughly speaking, it appears that a lot of Scots express being pro-European by being pro-EU, being pro-Scottish by voting SNP and through ignorance don’t distinguish criticising the Muslim Brotherhood from racism.”

Founded by a racist rejected by Ukip, Anne Marie Waters, and linked to Tommy Robinson or whatever name he’s using this week, For Britain is one of the nastier of the extremist parties who have emerged from the English nationalist sewer.

They say they will do “additional data gathering” on their failure. Here’s a clue – decent Scots will never vote for their hate agenda.

Racism should always be taken seriously, but perhaps laughing at them will make For Britain go back to their swamp.