I AM 100% behind Scottish Green Party MP Andy Wightman and his case for transparency on the subject of who actually owns any land or property in Scotland. From the smallest cotter’s house, to the largest tracts of land.

I have read Mr Wightman’s book The Poor Had No Lawyers, and it is a revelation. It revealed the subterfuge and downright criminality that was used – and is still being used – to hide what should be easily accessible information?

The fact that landowners are reluctant to have their deeds checked against what they claim to own, versus what they have on the deeds, makes it a subject that requires closer forensic scrutiny.

I would also like any statutory register to not only identify “shell companies”, but also the people behind these corporations.

Further, I would like there to be a cross reference on the tax deferral or public monies awarded to these organisations to be available at the point of requesting information.

I’m sure that we will see the landed classes mobilise their political arm, the Tories, in a full defence of their rights of privilege to stop we the sovereign people and taxpayers of Scotland from knowing who, what and when they obtained these vast tracts of this nation. I’m sure there will be many an estate boundary line rewritten!

Sandy Allan