HSL Mobile, a leading provider of SMS text messaging to organisations, will provide free subscriptions to their emergency communication tools over the winter period.

This is in response to the Scottish Government’s Fair Work Charter for Severe Weather, which sets out fair work practices for employers in the lead up to what’s predicted to be the harshest winter for a decade, particularly after the "Beast from the East" earlier this year.

Lynne Prowse, managing director of HSL Mobile, said: “Winter has come around quickly and based on predictions the weather in the UK is just going to continue to get worse. At HSL Mobile, our solutions can go a long way in assisting companies to communicate with their staff.”

The company is offering their AlertBroadcast and WebSMS solutions for free, which allows organisations to send a text message to large groups of people without a computer or internet access.

WebSMS also allows employees to logon from any internet-capable device to send messages to important distribution lists they otherwise wouldn’t be able to attain.

Prowse added: “The new Charter sets out guidelines for employers to prioritise the safety of workers and using SMS text messaging as a primary means of quickly and effectively communicating with staff can help ensure their safety.”

Companies such as DHL, John Lewis, NHS and Save the Children use HSL Mobile to deliver millions of messages per month.