DAVID Davis’s shock resignation should force a snap general election, Scottish Labour have said.

The party’s boss north of the border, Richard Leonard, said Theresa May no longer had any authority left, and called for her to go to the country.

He said: “The Tory crisis makes a Labour government with Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister a very real possibility.

“The resignation of David Davis and the chaos at the heart of the Tory government underlines that a General Election can happen at any time - for Scotland this is the chance to change course, securing billions of investment in our economy and services and away from austerity.

“In the interests of the great majority of people in Scotland and across the United Kingdom, we must have a General Election.”

Bookies have slashed the possibility of a 2018 election from 6/1 yesterday to 6/4 today, according to the Oddscheker website.

Meanwhile, the SNP’s Ian Blackford said Davis’s resignation should force the Prime Minister to soften her stance of a post-Brexit trade deal even further.

“The resignation of David Davis is a far cry from the repeated ‘strong and stable’ rhetoric from Theresa May. This isn’t so much ‘strong and stable’ as it is ‘chaotic and crumbling’.

“It has taken the Tory government more than two years since the EU referendum to formulate some sort of a Brexit proposal, and it has taken a mere two days for it to all fall apart.

“The question now for Theresa May is whether or not she will fall in line with the demands of her party’s extreme Brexiteers, or instead recognise the clear majority in parliament for the urgent need to keep the UK in the single market and customs union, to protect the economy, jobs and living standards of families across the UK.

“Theresa May will have an opportunity in parliament today to choose her government’s path. I call on the Prime Minister to see sense and bring forward a plan that heeds the mounting evidence against a hard Brexit raised by opposition parties, the business community and the devolved administrations."