The National:

Jeez, there's a lot going on, isn't there?

Let's have a look to see which papers have been paying attention, and which papers have been staring out the window all day.

The Scotsman leads with news that the UK Government might lift an immigration cap to allow more doctors into Scotland.

The National:

But what really jumps out about today's front paper for me is the bizarre choice to imply that yesterday's protests outside parliament had something to do with the SNP apparently rejecting a deal.

Of course, the real reason that there were protesters outside Holyrood was in reponse to Westminster's shameful power grab.

Very odd.

The Scottish Daily Mail is really trying its hardest to not mention Brexit or the continuing constitutional crisis across the UK.

The National:

It's concerning to the see the Mail's "political editor" in a position where he apparently can't cover politics... instead opting for a story about cold calls.

Oh, and more royal family.

The i is as on the ball as ever...

The National:

Next up, The Herald leads with the news that Scotland has been the worst hit by bank closures since 2015.

The National:

And beyond that we have the Scottish Sun, which has in fact chosen to feature calls for Mundell's resignation on the cover.

The National:

Beyond that however, they have led with a story about a 92-year-old woman who tried to go back into her burning flat for her hearing aid.

Also, there appears to be an attempt at a pun involving the Queen and Meghan Markle. SupERfan. I'm not quite sure what the joke is here, other than implying Markle made the queen laugh so hard she ended up in hospital.

Bit of a stretch though.

Meanwhile The Times Scotland also seems to think that the queen having a laugh is FRONT PAGE NEWS. Honestly, what is wrong with this country?

The National:

They've chosen to splash on the news that millionaire presenters have been "thrown under the bus" because they'll now need to pay more tax.

Won't somebody think of those poor millionaires?

The Daily Record has gone strong on the Brexit power grab with a style of front cover that seems oddly familiar.

The National:

They say imitation is most sincere form of flattery. ;-)

And finally, The National.

The National:

We've covered David Mundells' continuing attack on devolution. Read more about that here.