UNIVERSAL flexible working and “use it or lose it” paternity leave should be introduced in a bid to reduce pay gaps, according to equality campaigners.

In a new policy document, the Equality and Human Rights Commission in Scotland has called for firms to be consulted on reporting on not just gender pay gaps but also those relating to ethnicity and disability, and for annual statistics to be published.

Scotland Commissioner Lesley Sawers said women, ethnic minorities and disabled people should not have to accept “second-class pay”.

The commission said women in Scotland are paid 15 per cent less on average than men, while ethnic minorities are paid 5.7 per cent less than white people, and disabled people face a pay gap of 13.6 per cent compared to their peers.

Encouraging employers to tackle bias in recruitment, promotion and pay to increase diversity at all levels in every sector is one of several recommendations in the strategy paper.

Other recommendations include encouraging men and women to share childcare by introducing “use it or lose it” paternity leave, investing in sector-specific training and regional enterprise to improve work opportunities for all, and addressing the differences in subject and career choices to unlock the “earning potential” in education.

Sawers said: “Subject choices and stereotypes in education can send children on set paths which often reflect the limited expectations of women, ethnic minorities and disabled people.

“These stereotypes are then reinforced in recruitment, pay and progression practices, leading to a ‘that’s just the way it is’ attitude. It isn’t – all it reflects is how we value people and people’s work.

“Pay practices need to catch up with modern Scottish life – women, ethnic minorities and disabled people simply shouldn’t have to accept second-class pay.

“What message does this send to young Scots – that no matter how hard you try, your gender, race, or disability defines your worth?”