THOUSANDS of trade unionists yesterday took part in the annual May Day march and rally in Glasgow.

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell was among those who took part in the event, along with Labour’s Neil Findlay, a close ally of party leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Findlay told the crowd his party had returned to its “radical roots” with plans to increase taxes – including the restoration of the 50p top rate of income tax for high earners – to invest in public services and stop cuts.

The march took place as a new poll put Labour six points ahead of the Scottish Conservatives in the run-up to polling day this Thursday.

A series of polls had the two parties neck and neck in the contest for second place, with Tory leader Ruth Davidson fighting for her party to become the official opposition at Holyrood.

The Panelbase research found support for Labour in the constituency section of the vote was 23 per cent, compared to 17 per cent for the Conservatives, while the SNP maintained its clear lead, with the support of almost half (49 per cent) of voters.

Findlay said those taking part in the Glasgow March, organised by the Scottish Trades Union Congress, were protesting “against austerity and for workers’ rights”.

He told the crowd: “Labour has returned to our radical roots and every Labour MSP elected will fight against the cuts and for investment in our public services. On Thursday people can vote for Labour to tax the richest one per cent to invest in schools, and stop the cuts to our NHS and other public services.”

Meanwhile, former Labour minister Tom Harris criticised his party’s election manifesto, which was launched last week. Harris, who lost his Westminster seat last May, described the document as a “two fingered salute to new Labour”.