AN American chef has sparked anger by referring to Glasgow as a place you go for “a beer and a beating.”

Anthony Bourdain made the comments after visiting the city for a CNN documentary, which also includes footage of a fight on Sauchiehall Street.

In a trailer for Parts Unknown, he says Glaswegians are known to have more fun at a funeral than Edinburghers do at a wedding, but adds: “that does invite from time to time admittedly a fair amount of knuckle-headed behaviours. If you’re looking for a beer and a beating, Glasgow will happily provide it.”

In narration of the fight scene, Bourdain says: “Access to guns is extremely difficult here so Scottish hoodlums  unable to dispatch their victims with the kind of speed and efficiency as we enjoy in the good old USA  has had traditionally had to resort to the knife to do its maiming and killing.”

Locals took to Twitter to express their dismay, blasting the documentary as “rubbish”.

Drew Chalmers wrote: “Just watched some idiot chef Anthony Bourdain portray Glasgow on CNN. What rubbish ... should stick to making pies for all he knows about here.”

Another Twitter user Penny Watson said: “I’m still irked about the ridiculous Anthony Bourdain show that was on last night about Scotland.”

Others asked Bourdain whether the “beer and a beating” comment had been a PR stunt, to which he replied: “Watch the show itself rather than this lame, disingenuous characterization. Adore Glasgow.”