IT is little wonder the BBC boss Lord Hall appeared contrite when he gave evidence to MSPs yesterday, flagging up the possibility of a “Scottish six o’clock television news programme” and saying the broadcaster must “review” its portrayal of Scotland.

Thousands of people north of the Border lost trust in the corporation over its coverage of the independence referendum in 2014 and restoring confidence in it will need considerable time and effort.

Who can forget the way squads of rather poorly-informed London-based journalists were parachuted into Scotland in the final days of the historic vote, elbowing their more knowledgeable Scots-based colleagues out of the way?

The approach smacked of 19th century English colonialism and was a far cry from one rooted in modern thinking.

For many on the Yes side, the broadcaster’s scare stories in the final weeks of the referendum will be hard to forgive. After such failings a “Scottish six” news programme and more resources for Scottish-made programmes – including for network productions – are the very least the corporation can do to make amends.