WHILST a study on the lack of women in piping is being carried out, would it be possible to carry out a similar study on the lack of boys and men in all of the arts in Scotland?

I have been involved with traditional music and dance for a long time and have seen the participation of men and boys dwindle away over the years. Be it fiddle and accordion groups, choral groups, dance groups, art and crafts or theatre groups, men are generally conspicuous by their absence.

READ MORE: Study to look at under-representation of women in piping

Pipe bands may still just buck that trend, but certainly in the north-east the participation of women and girls in pipe bands is increasing every year and many bands now have more female that male members.

The withdrawal of men and boys from the arts in public life is something that should concern us all. A healthy, diverse artistic culture is central to a mature economy and to a country that wants to flourish and take an independent path in the world. We must make sure nobody is left behind.

Stephen Brown
Glass, Aberdeenshire