TWO weeks ago, world-renowned climate activist, Greta Thunberg, took down the internet’s most prolific misogynist, Andrew Tate, with one tweet.

A somewhat poetic turn of justice for a man who has built his entire fortune and relevance on his unquenchable desire to harm women. Known to his large following of primarily young men as the “top G”, despite being the biggest loser on the internet, Tate is infamous for his grotesque views about women and has been arrested on multiple occasions for multiple gender-based offences.

His latest arrest is an embarrassing one for many, including TikTok who allowed his videos to be viewed billions of times before removing him from the platform. And Piers Morgan, who gave Tate a platform mere weeks before his arrest. And Julia Hartley-Brewer, who used “autistic” as a slur towards a teenage Nobel Prize Laureate, in a desperate attempt to leap to the defence of a now-accused rapist and human trafficker.

And every person who has ever shared, liked or enabled Tate and his content.

READ MORE: Greta Thunberg KOs Andrew Tate after 'pizza-linked arrest' in Romania

Amidst a rise in online feminist activism, the birth of #MeToo and the chronically-online nature of our modern lives – self-proclaimed “incels” have become a seemingly accepted internet niche. Not content with only posting anti-women hatred on their platforms, they are re-branding masculinity to prey on young men and ultimately, to harm women.

The most concerning of all is that on at least some level – it’s working. Tate is an example of the worst, but he’s far from alone and has a huge following of impressionable young men ready and willing to follow in his footsteps when he inevitably ends up in prison for his crimes. Even despite the fact that he is currently in prison being held on the charges that he is, he still has fans scrambling to defend him.

What’s most concerning is that these online Tate defenders are not robots that exist in a far away realm – they are real life men and boys, some with huge platforms and influence, that statistics show will go on to harm real women and girls when they put down the phone.

Whilst online misogyny feels more prevalent because it’s so explicit and in our faces – it’s really just the modern version of the marginalisation women have faced for centuries. We allow misogyny to continue, vastly unchecked, and so it has diversified with the times to allow for its survival.

From a women’s perspective – how are we supposed to climb this mountain? We simply do not have the power alone to de-stabilise a construct that has defined our society for centuries, and with young men turning to people like Andrew Tate for their education, we’re looking at generations before we even start to make ground.

The reason misogyny has survived long enough to make it online is because men fail to relinquish the societal power they wield. When we speak about the violence we face as women, they trend #NotAllMen on Twitter. Let’s be clear that it absolutely is not all men – but every man has benefitted from the constructs that lead to our harm, and it is their responsibility to confront those structures and tear them down.

The weight of toxic masculinity weighs most heavily on women and girls, but it also harms men and boys. It teaches them to hide their emotions and to associate themselves with anger, selfishness and aggression - creating generations of men who spend their lives trying to measure up to an existence that is manufactured and not a real representation of what it means to be a man.

Ironically, young men are finding themselves so lost in a society that doesn’t do enough to nurture them that they are turning to the likes of Andrew Tate to find their purpose – hitting the repeat button on a destructive cycle for generations to come.

READ MORE: 'Right-wing shock jock' deletes tweet using Greta Thunberg's autism 'as insult'

Gender-based violence does not exist as a standalone issue. It is rooted in the fundamental belief, whether conscious or unconscious, that women and girls are less than men and boys - a taught and learned practice handed down through generations and it does not begin or end with physical violence. Sexist jokes, names, stereotypes, groping, unsolicited pictures and more all contribute to the culture that enables our violation as women – and I’d be hard pressed to find a man in this country that hasn’t at some point in his life partaken in any of these things.

According to a 2020 UN report, globally, six women per hour are murdered by a man in what the UN describes as a “global pandemic of femicide”. We are so desensitised to these figures, that a global platform like TikTok still deems it acceptable to leave misogynistic hate speech unchecked and freely available to billions, when a man is arrested for grotesque violations against women – he is celebrated and defended and when another of us are killed on our way home – #NotAllMen becomes the top trend on Twitter.

A reminder that these constructs are made up and we do have the power to tear them down. Andrew Tate is a deeply insecure and angry man that blames women for his own feelings of inadequacy. He does not define masculinity, in fact, he represents the weakest version of man that exists – and he presents a real danger to the lives and wellbeing of women and girls.

So hit the snooze button. Unfollow, skip past his videos and refuse to fund his crimes. Let him be greeted by his worst fear post-prison – irrelevance.