BLACK pudding is well on its way to becoming 2016’s superfood, with Macsween of Edinburgh seeing a surge in sales of the delicacy, with further significant growth expected this year.

Foodie and fitness expert Anucyia Victor said the dish, made from pork, oats and spices and boasting high protein and iron content, is replacing avocado and seaweed to top the list of superfoods.

As a result, Macsween is reporting an increase in black pudding sales.

Managing director James Macsween, said: “Five years ago we were producing 50,000lb and last year we did 70,000lb. It is now appearing on menus and street food stalls across the country, and more and more people are trying it out at home in different ways.

“In the next 12 months, we will see another real spike in black pudding sales. We’re projecting 1.7 million lb production this year which equates to around £2m in sales and would represent huge growth; 2,000 per cent in volume on last year.”

Versatility and flavour is key for black pudding, and while its popularity on the breakfast plate continues, it is the growing trend across different types of cuisine, and particularly in the street food scene, that is making it so appealing.

And the trend is taking effect quicker than ever thanks to social media, Macsween adds: “With consumers being more informed thanks to the power of social media, we’re seeing an instant sales surge which took us a bit by surprise. But it’s great to see the masses enjoy black pudding.”