Andrew Watterson

Latest articles from Andrew Watterson

comment Holyrood cannot hide behind reserved powers when it comes to climate change

THE failures of the Scottish oil and gas industries, their professional advisers, advocates, lobbyists, and apologists to cut carbon and protect global and Scottish Public Health can surely not be justified in any form. Will the Scottish Government now finally act urgently to curtail or reduce the industry’s development onshore and offshore where it has powers over public procurement, planning, enterprise funding and public health to do so?

COMMENT Scotland should rethink its Covid strategy as the current one is failing

POLITICIANS are again stressing the harms done by Covid controls to our economy and the education of children and young people. The view that Scotland should shift its Covid policy away from “coherent suppression” has recently gained greater traction in political circles. Covid suppression in these debates is frequently and falsely presented as a set of policies geared to totally eradicating the disease whereas it has always been based on eliminating the virus as far as possible by Covid con