Jim Osborne

Scottish Banking and Finance Group

Latest articles from Jim Osborne

COMMENT Scotland should borrow now to lay our independent economy’s foundations

DURING our series of articles so far, the Scottish Banking & Finance Group has been outlining key issues for Scottish independence and the pre-conditions necessary to make it a success by building a thriving economy – our own currency immediately upon gaining independence; a written democratic constitution which enshrines the fundamental rights of all citizens as well as their obligations to one another and to the state; and reform of our banking and financial system.

COMMENT What Scotland taxes will shape our future as an independent nation

IN our previous articles, the Scottish Banking & Finance Group has discussed why a Scottish Government deficit should not be seen as a problem but as a good thing for the economy, and why the exchange rate of our currency is not a matter of concern if our economy is providing all the goods, services and infrastructure we need to live well and in harmony with nature.

COMMENT Jim Osborne: Independence will let Scotland provide for the true needs of its people

THROUGHOUT our series of articles for The National we have been arguing that a written democratic constitution which enshrines fundamental rights of all citizens is crucial for Scottish independence. Those fundamental rights include rights to food, energy, clean air and water, housing, health, education, work, a pension and other human rights enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights.

COMMENT Jim Osborne: These are the tax reforms that could transform indy Scotland

IN our last two articles, the Scottish Banking & Finance Group (SBFG) has argued that the new independent Scottish state, based on a written democratic constitution, will have a leading role to play in directing the economy. Taxation plays an important role in shaping how the economy functions – what is produced in the economy and how the fruits of production are distributed.