Latest articles from Rob Gibson

How Scotland's estates were brought into business rates system

AN extensive survey by Scottish Land & Estates (SLE) conducted in 2014 reported that most members, 67% of the 277 sampled, were “engaged in sporting one way or another”. An analysis for the Scottish Government consultation on the draft Land Reform Bill showed 71% of 983 respondents favoured the return of shooting rates. The question had “provoked strong feelings” with 50 of the 51 estates replying opposed.

Assemblies are a stimulus for debate in the SNP

THE Growth Commission report has been debated three times at Ayr, Aviemore and now Edinburgh. I attended the SNP National Assembly at Aviemore, one of more than 200 activists gathered to have their say. I detected a strong current running through the gathering. It sought to build the independence case from communities upwards.