Latest articles from Gregg Brain

Gregg Brain: Torture of children by Home Office is entirely deliberate

ANYONE who knows me (and thousands who don’t) knows that I am passionate on the subject of fair immigration. Let me get started, and I can rant for hours on the subject. There’s very little that stuns me into speechlessness. But I’ve been staring at one particular story for hours without being able to put my fury into words.

Gregg Brain: The brutal truth of why we are all Windrush citizens

ONE question, and your life, as you know it, is over. Imagine being a Windrush citizen – and let us never forget, that they are citizens; even the Home Office does not dispute that they are here legally. You are living your life in the UK, enjoying community, creating a career, building a home, having a family – children, grandchildren. Effectively, everything that most of us take for granted as essential parts of who we are, the life we have.