THE’R wes a fell creise in Cubae monie eir syne. It awmaist brocht the hale warl ti ane enn. Thon eylaund, the maist mukkil in the Wast Indaes, wes fand bi Columbus. It wes pairt of the Spainyie Impyre ontil the weir wi the USA in eir 1892 whan it wun its friedome frae ae regime an cam unner anither, than gat fu autonomie in eir 1934. It wes juist ane Americane pleygrun wi corruptit ruillars, sae in eir 1959 the wes a Communiss Revolutioun. The USA didna lik thon. Ettlin ti invade the eylaund twa eir eftir the Yankies wes dang doun an flang out at the Bey o Grumphies.

Aw the tym the USSR bene uphauddin the gubernment o the weill kent Cubane ledar, Fidel Castro wi siller an wappins. Nou thai socht ti fess nuiclear missills owre frae Russhiae an inpit thaim intil the laund o thair allyies in Cubae. Thon lang reinge rakkets wi atomik boumbs abuird wes a sair threit ti the Americanes fur Cubae wes bot saxtie myll awaw. The nyow Preses o the USA wes Kennedy an he telt the heid-yin o the USSR, at wes cryed Khrushchev, ti tak thair wappins hamelins out o Cubae an no ti sen onie mair. Bot the neist convoy wes on its wey awreddies an the Americane navyne set aff ti blok it. This wes the Cubane Creise o eir 1962.

A wes a ying cheil than bot A mynd weill ma wirk-billies, tho thai wesna interessit in polateiks wes weill war o the setivautioun an wytit bi the meinit ontil the nyows cam frae the raidio at the Russhiane schips hed tirned hamewith an thusgates we wuid aw leive ti gang hame ti wir ain beds at nicht – kiz weir at that tyme menit thermonuiclear holocaust. Bot the warl owredrave. The twa ledars, Kennedy an Khruschev wes verra differand buddies. Kennedy wes in the caum o Keing Arthur an hiz gubernment wes kent as a kinna Camelot. This k’nicht in scheinin airmour stuid up til the Communiss draigon. Bot hiz onfrein in the ither side o the Ern Courtain wes mair o a modren man.

Tho schort an hivvie boukit, an o certies no fair farrant, Khruschev wes the foir-rinner o sicna ledars as Gorbachov at syne apenit the Berlin Waw an med frie meillions o Europeanes. He wes mair rale ti me kiz A sein him aince in Embro. A wes daunnerin hame alang the Quenesferrie Rodd eftir skuil whan he drave paust in a limmie wi a swairm o poliss afoir an eftir. A mynd gie-in him a waff. Bot heir a mair byordinar complutherautioun. Khruschev maun hae drave by the verra houss whaur yit bydes anither cheil at hed a bittie ti dae wi the Cubane Creise.

Hiz nemm is Paul Henderson Scott. He is a trew kemp in the fecht fur Scotch friedome. Aince Preses o the Saltyre Soshietie an owthar o weill kent buiks on Scotch polateiks an histore, he wes in eir 1962 a memmer o the Unyt Keingryke Legatioun ti Cubae. The USA wes refaisin ti hae onie dae-ins wi Cubae at this tyme: thai didna hae tredd wi’m; thair ceitezans wesna alloued ti gang thare; an in course thai didna hae onie embassie ir siclik. Sae whan the Russianes hecht ti remuive thair rakkets frae Cubae thai didna hae onie buddies at cuid haud ane ei on the proces.

Ye maun ken at the Americanes erest sein the lenchin pads be-in biggit bi the uise o photies frae verra heich flie-in spy planes. Mibbies the setivautioun wes owre wanchancie ti tak the tid ti sen sic flichts owre Cubae at this pynt. Oniegates, thai priggit at the Lunnon freins ti sen a billie frae the UK Legatioun, tap seicret, ti sei gif the structurs wes be-in dimolishit. Thusgates Paul Henderson Scott wes telt ti tak a hurl roun the eylaund an hae a keik. A dinna ken whidder he thocht at gangin in hiz wie rid Bret sports kerr wuid be that gallus at naebuddie wuid think o him as a spy, ir mibbies he juist didna baither. Thon is whitlik he duin tho. Shuir eneuch, the biggins wes be-in cawed doun an fur a wie whyllie ane Embro laddie wes the anerlie buddie in the wast at kent. Sune the hale warl kent as weill an the wes a gryte secht o raleiff.

Bot the day the’r a nyow warl craunch. Hit is caused bi the lave o the warl an no bi Cubae. We ar uisin up the Plenit Yird lik we hed a fouth o fraisch warls in wir poke an wi no thocht fur the fuither. The ceitezans o the USA wul note fyve nyow warls ti haud alang the gate at thai ir gaun the nou. Europeanes wul requeir thrie, an monie kintraes geyan nerr the samen.

Aye growe-in nummers o fowk in ilk kintra an the incres in leivin staunnarts ar the cause. The’r a whein o launds at leive yit on the walth o ae plenit as wir foirfaithers duin bot it wuid be sair ti ettil at thai awreddies puir pepil winna be alloued ti wun up ti a raitiounabill lavell o ceivilysautioun. Bi guid fortuin the’r ae exempil o a kintrae as hes a modren hailth service wi guid lavels o eddicautioun an is consumin bot ae plenit. Hit is Cubae.

Acause the Russianes no langir upheize Cubae, an the Americanes winna allou onie tredd wi’m, the fowk o thon kintra hae ti leive verra cannie-lik. It mynds me o Bretane eftir the Saicont Warl Weir. Sair trauchilt wi fechtin fur ti haud ontil wir friedome we hed raitiounin, cauld houssis, poffils an nae holiedays abraid. Bot lik Cubae we rafurmit wir ceivilysautioun in a nyow an mair ballansit gate. The thrie lessons is thur. We maun hae the curage ti wun wir naitionall frieryke. Whan we hae it we maun aw wirk thegither towart a fair soshietie at disna note mair nir ane Plenit Yird. An lest, dinna lat ither fowk pit thair nuiclear missills ben yer kintra.