SO, Kezia Dugdale has taken three weeks off her work without permission.

Whether or not it was a stunt to overshadow her new branch manager on his first day at the office, whether or not she truly believes that she could convert millions of voters to the Labour party, whether or not she will donate that part of her salary to any charity, the question is — should she be paid at all?

For how long must the public put up with politicians being seen to “get away” with things for which the general public would not? Only yesterday, I heard of a lady who was 15 minutes late for work, due to heavy traffic caused by an accident, having this time docked from her wages.

Whether or not Scottish Labour take any action against Dugdale when she returns from her Australian holiday, how does this incident relate to the terms and conditions of an MSP’s employment, and what is the view of the parliamentary HR department?

The Scottish public has a right to know.
Dennis White