SCOTS singer Annie Lennox, Harry Potter creator JK Rowling and National columnist Lesley Riddoch are among 10 women to be hailed as Outstanding Women of Scotland.

MP, surgeon and SNP health spokesperson Dr Philippa Whitford, health and education campaigner Sarah Brown, arts and heritage pioneers Alice Strang and Magdalena Sargarzazu were also honoured yesterday at an event in Glasgow.

Scientists were among those recognised with Joan Stringer, former principal and vice-chancellor of Edinburgh Napier University, and Professor Karen Vousden, medical researcher and director of the Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute (Glasgow), named.

Retired Supreme Court judge Lady Hazel Cosgrove, the first women senator of the College of Justice, completed the list.

Amal Azzudin is an award winning campaigner for human rights and social justice and was presented with a special award.