A NEW community project to support young people with additional support needs has launched in Greenock.

Founder Michelle Hamil told the Tele that she hopes 'Oor Club' will help provide more opportunities for children, teenagers and young adults who often feel excluded.

It will offer organised days out as well as running weekly get-togethers with games, soft play, food, music and much more at St Margaret's Church in Finch Road.

Michelle recently organised a bingo night together with local fundraiser Tony Philips to gather the sum of £2,000 to kickstart the new project.

She is making plans to expand in future, to include a group for pensioners.

Michelle, who recently took youngsters on an outing to the cinema, said: "It's a much needed resource that will benefit so many different groups in our community.

"This is something which is really needed locally, we want to fill a gap. More and more families are in need of support like this.

"We have 12 leaders who are volunteers and giving up their own time. Our first fundraiser has helped go towards two days out so far and bought much needed equipment for the club including a projector and PA system.

"We had a fantastic day at the Waterfront Cinema and then we also went to visit the Ark in the Clyde at Finlaystone Country Park."

Michelle and her team have set up two groups on a Wednesday night in St Margaret's, for school age youngsters.

They feature soft play sessions, board games, arts and crafts and fancy dress fun and there are plans to introduce baking sessions.

Oor Club is also set to introduce a Thursday afternoon club, for over-18s, to learn life skills like cooking and budgeting, but Michelle wants to go further.

She added: "Once these clubs are up and running I am proposing a pensioners' one on a Tuesday afternoon. Oor Club is all about inclusivity. We want to bring people together who are typically excluded in society."

Michelle would like to thank both fundraisers Tony and Ashley McKay, who donated £600 from their bonus ball page on Facebook.

She also praised the support received from the local business community, including the Horseshoe Bar, Wherry Tavern, Karma in Gourock, Finlaystone, Cardwell Garden Centre, China Garden, Harley & Co hairdressers and more.

She added: "This helped to pay for the first couple of weeks rent which helped us get on our feet straight away."

*The two clubs run on Wednesday evenings in St Margaret's Church, one for school age youngsters and another for over-18s, from 6-8m, with the cost £5 a night.