A HOLYROOD committee has opened an inquiry into the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on the tourism and culture sectors.

The Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Affairs Committee launched the probe yesterday with an open-ended call for views from those with concerns about the future of the industries due to the outbreak.

As a result of uncertainty around the pandemic and duration of the lockdown measures, a number of large-scale events, including the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, have been cancelled.

A report by the Centre for Economics and Business Research published last year said the direct and indirect economic benefits of the Edinburgh festivals, which were due to take place in August, totalled more than £1 billion.

The committee will use its findings to recommend action to the Scottish Government to support the industry, as well as its recovery following the easing of the lockdown.

Committee convener Joan McAlpine said: “These are unprecedented times and the committee is here to listen.

“As the weather warms, our tourism industry should be coming into its high season. Instead hotels are empty, pubs are dry, and theatres are quiet.

“Visitors have been told not to travel to rural areas for understandable reasons, but that will have a devastating impact on tourism business in some already fragile local economies.

“The protection of life and the ability of the NHS to cope as the virus spreads has rightly been the priority, but the long-term impact that Covid-19 has created will last longer than any lockdown.

“Scotland relies heavily on its tourism and culture industry and it is vital that our industries are supported effectively during this crisis, so that they can come back and contribute to the economy once more.”

Deputy convener Clare Baker added: “Mitigating the impact of this crisis must be a top priority of the Scottish Government, as it is for the committee.

“The mass cancellation of events and the effective lockdown of tourism will have a profound lasting effect. We will be working with the Cabinet Secretary to ensure all that can be done is being done.”