WHAT has been the message to Scotland from the Labour Party conference taking place in Liverpool this week after only a couple of days?

On Brexit, no clear message – will we, won’t we let voters have the final say, divisions, splits and interestingly no call for the Scottish Government or for that matter any devolved parliaments of the UK to be afforded a place at the negotiation table. No coherent message or harmony, only disagreement – it really could have been a meeting at Chequers! Total disrespect for Scottish voters who voted to remain.

Then, in a break from tradition, no place at the podium for Shadow Scottish Secretary Lesley Laird MP. However, a space was made available for Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard, who promptly told delegates: “Labour will commit to opposing a second independence referendum in its next UK manifesto”. How to make friends and influence voters!

The Labour party in Scotland has been overtaken by the Conservatives, who are now the main opposition, something which is all of Labour’s own making and unless Labour reflect on their total disregard being demonstrated once again for voters in Scotland this position will continue for the foreseeable future.

Catriona C Clark