The National:

YOU might think Labour Lords would be quite well versed in talking Scotland down by now ... but no, they're still making hilarious mistakes.

After Scottish football pundit Michael Stewart had shared a chart of the happiest nations in Europe, Labour peer George Foulkes decided to respond.

Stewart had said that with seven of the top 10 nations being European and similar in size to Scotland, it was evidence of the benefits independence could bring.

Despite recommending that Stewart's geography teacher needed a word, it was Foulkes who made the basic error, seemingly forgetting how to count.

New Zealand, Canada, and Australia – those would be the other three, when someone says "seven out of 10"...

Stewart hit back, saying that he might need to have a word with the House of Lords maths department.

And other Twitter users weren't slow in pointing out Foulkes's hilarious gaffe either.