IT is one of the world’s leading methods of suicide, and in Asia in particular, self-poisoning by pesticide is a massive problem.

Now experts led by researchers at Edinburgh University have urged action to be taken on pesticide poisoning in Asia, where 89 per cent of all such suicides globally take place. The scale of the problem is unimaginable to the west – swallowing lethal doses of pesticide is the fifth most common form of death in Sri Lanka.

The scientists’ report published in Lancet stated: “In Sri Lanka, self-poisoning with pesticides is the most common method of self-harm in many rural districts, highly lethal, associated with impulsivity.”

According to a statement issued by Edinburgh University: “Policy makers in Asia should withdraw the most harmful pesticides from small-scale farms to help reduce rates of self-poisoning.”

The plea came after a comprehensive study in Sri Lanka showed that keeping pesticides under lock and key does not prevent cases of self-harm. The researchers’ findings suggest a new approach to tackling pesticide self-poisoning.

The pesticide industry, together with some health agencies, currently advocate safer storage methods as a key way to address the problem.

Use of dangerous pesticides is common in rural areas in Asia, and the research focused on Sri Lanka where the Edinburgh University team worked with Sri Lankan and international colleagues.

The study – the largest-ever of its kind – focused on the Anuradhapura District in Sri Lanka’s North Central province. More than 200,000 people took part.

The scientists recorded the incidence of self-poisoning in households where they had provided storage lockers and compared self-poisoning rates with homes without safe storage. They found that locking away pesticides had no significant effect.

The findings contrast with smaller pilot studies that suggested pesticide storage may be an effective preventative measure. Researchers concluded that other approaches, such as replacing existing pesticides with less toxic alternatives, are more likely to be effective.

The report states: “Only withdrawal of the most highly hazardous pesticides from agricultural practice has been shown to reduce deaths from pesticide poisoning. Global public health efforts should focus on this approach to rapidly reduce pesticide suicides worldwide.”

The study was funded by the Wellcome Trust, and was supported by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, Chief Scientist Office of Scotland, the University of Copenhagen, and the National Health and Medical Research Council Australia.

Professor Michael Eddleston, of the Edinburgh University British Heart Foundation Centre for Cardiovascular Science, said: “We found no evidence to say that improved storage of pesticides reduces the incidence of pesticide self-poisoning.

“Combined with evidence from other countries, the trial suggests that policy makers should focus their attention on withdrawal of the most harmful pesticides from agricultural practice.”