Why can’t poor billionaire Royals fund their own house repairs? @ErikZoha

SPENDING a third of a billion pounds of taxpayers’ money to refurbish Buckingham Palace is an insane move. It’s an almost incomprehensible amount of cash. For that kind of currency, I’d expect the renovated building to be hovering above the Earth and doing backflips on holidays. I mean, imagine how many refugees could be housed in these luxury homes of the Royals. The corgi’s kennel alone is probably bigger than my flat.

To be fair, I wouldn’t have a problem with the monarchy if they’d earned their cash honourably, but they haven’t. Instead, they’re taking our tax money and putting it towards themselves. We’re paying those corgis to fart into cushions that are worth more than we earn in a year. The whole situation is embarrassingly unjust, and yet some Tories are willing to defend this sad state of affairs with their lives.

These are the same Tories who are quite happy to see the NHS reduced to a gigantic waiting room for the dead. They think public services are a waste of cash, that the disabled just aren’t trying hard enough and that every homeless person is on the street by choice.

These are the opinions of compassionless madmen. Yet if you suggest that it’s a really dumb idea to give millions of pounds to one family, when millions of families are starving across the country, they look at you like you’re the crazy one.

Typically, I’m not a massive fan of privatisation but when it comes to the Royal Family, I’m all for it.

I say we turn them into a greed-themed amusement park for weird Americans to visit. That way the monarchy would have to fund their own home maintenance. Seems fair, right?

Alton Towers has to raise capital to repair its taxpayer-injuring rides, why should the Royals be any different?

Personally, I think we should just wait until The Queen moves out and then sneakily convert Buckingham Palace into something useful like a hospital, or a school or a psychiatric ward for anyone who thinks elitism is a rational idea in 2016.

Do you think Ukip were invented to drag the UK to the right? - @vespaneil

I think UKIP were invented to drag the UK into stupidity. By preying upon the fears of balding, middle-aged white men, Ukip have somehow managed to affect the course of British politics for the last five years. Of course, this really isn’t all that surprising when you consider that the insecurities of balding, middle-aged white men have dictated UK politics for centuries. The rest of us were quite happy to let somebody else have a go for a bit – and by somebody else I mean everybody Ukip doesn’t approve of.

However, like the spoilt child that wants “his” toy back, the bigoted white man has seen his train set played with long enough, and now wants it returned to his clumsy hands.

I say clumsy hands, because for every wise addition the white man has made to human progress, he’s managed to cough up a couple of world wars, slavery, the jailing of homosexuals and Coldplay.

It’s almost as if the presence of some non-balding white men might prevent such mistakes from being made again. You know? Some mad idea about fair representation of the human race that would lead to us all working to benefit everybody and not just one particular class, nationality, skin colour, sexual orientation or religious belief. Indeed, the dumbest part of the Ukip mentality is that they seem to be in denial that they are on planet Earth.

The far-right want us to think that building walls to benefit some fictional numbers on an Excel spreadsheet is better than coming to terms with our own reality. Ukip’s gimmick is nostalgia for an age that never existed, and that will never be reached.

Ukip is not only one of the most offensive parties in politics, but one of the most futile. Exploring the potential of digital currency and other innovative ideas makes a lot more sense to me than trying to turn the clock back 50 years to suit the colour-coded desires of the bigoted few. The fools need to be challenged.

What’s the number one policy you would like to see delivered here and now? – @independentscot

THIS may be unexpected, but I think we need to take the high road on drug policy reform.

I’m referring specifically to the legalisation of marijuana use. Regardless of current laws, thousands of us light up every week in much the same fashion as people who drink unquantifiable volumes of alcohol. I prefer the latter, but I think it’s high time Scots had the right to spark up in private spaces if they desire to.

Drug classification and control is a reserved issue. However, I’d like to think that an independent Scotland could follow the growing worldwide trend of legalising marijuana, providing a gateway to the regulation of harder drugs, eliminating dealers from society and potentially creating safe spaces for users to detox.

We’ve already established the real dopes are the politicians who preach purity without practising it. What we need is clarity and honesty. It would be nice to live in a place in which the occasional joint was seen as something relaxing, not incriminating.