OLIVER Stone has been interviewing Vladimir Putin and has amassed 30 hours of conversation. This has been distilled into four episodes which went out each night this week, and the final one is broadcast tonight.

Previews made it clear these are not political interviews. Forget the idea that Stone will sit across from Putin like an American Paxman, with a clipboard on his knee and a list of questions about the economy.

Instead, the titbits released to us have been strange, compelling and even comical. For example, a few days ago we saw an extract where the two men discussed how Putin might react if he had to take a shower in a submarine with a gay man. His response was that he’d use his superior judo skills to defend himself against romantic advances.

I suspect this will be brilliant entertainment, though is it right to chuckle at Putin’s ideas?

I’M sick of hearing about Brexit, even though it’s obviously the most important thing, politically and economically, which is happening just now.

So I was glad to read a word in the papers I’d never come across before: “Bremain”. Apparently, Theresa May’s catastrophic election might have ruined her ideas of a hard Brexit, and Britain might have to sheepishly ask to Bremain instead.

But until Bremain, we have a Brexit-themed special of Wife Swap. This reality show is normally about class, putting a genteel wife in with a boorish husband for some big laughs about laundry and toenail clippings, but tonight we let Brexit start the fights.

Pauline, a Ukip campaigner from Essex, swaps with Kat, a Green Party councillor from rural Nottinghamshire who’s also an immigrant. Oh the red, white and blue (and green) sparks will fly!