THE No campaign is in full operational service once again, evidenced by today’s published emetic bombast in the Westminster-controlled media. Uppermost in Scots’ memories should be the famous American presidential caveat that “you can’t fool all the people all the time”, together with the promises of 2014 which were never honoured and were submerged in the morass of Westminster-inspired rhetoric.

The same tired arguments, denying Scottish aspirations, no matter how camouflaged, will be dredged up by the same tired opponents with a few apprentices hoping for London recognition and perhaps the odd peerage. This time all supporters of our un-shackling from Westminster, irrespective of party affiliation, should be ready for them. The route to success is to identify every one of London’s disasters and broken pledges, together with a clear description of the opportunities awaiting an independent Scotland, opportunities available only to a state with the freedom of action which is its natural right.

The timing of a Scottish plebiscite has not yet been settled but the opponents are already apprehensive.

J Hamilton