YOU really have to question the commitment to devolution and the Scottish Parliament from the Brit Nat parties who are apparently happy to see swathes of powers handed over to Westminster without any questions asked! Who else would campaign to get elected and then hand over as much of their powers as possible to someone else? If you did that in any other workplace you’d soon be looking for a new job!

I suppose it comes as no real surprise as all the London-based parties see the Scottish Parliament as a second-class parliament to their ambitions to rest their bums on the green (or even red) benches of the Palace of Westminster. It should highlight to every voter in Scotland the contempt in which these Brit Nat politicians hold not just the Parliament but also the people of Scotland.

A weaker Scottish Parliament means less chance of policies designed for the benefit of those who live here and even less powers to defend Scotland from the usual Tory/Labour austerity attacks. The London-based parties simply can’t be trusted to stand up for our parliament, so why should voters in Scotland show any loyalty to these politicians?

Cllr Kenny MacLaren