WHILE we welcome the fact that the council tax reforms unveiled by Nicola Sturgeon yesterday are more progressive than the current model, we can’t help but wonder – as did many others – whether the Scottish Government might have been a little more daring.

Sure, it’s good that those people living in the houses in the lower bands will not have to pay anything extra, and also good that those in the higher bands will pay a little more.

But it seems strange to commit ourselves to a banding system that will be based on how much a property was worth in 1991. It’s been 25 years, and much has changed in Scotland since then – including the value of our properties. Some, after these changes come into effect, will still get away with paying less than they ought, and some will pay more than they should.

Nicola Sturgeon is widely expected to win a huge mandate from the Scottish people in May. The SNP, according to all opinion polls for more than a year, are on course to win another majority.

The SNP have a unique chance to be really radical and think about seriously reforming Scotland.

It’s not a time for half measures.

Lesley Riddoch: Local tax is crying out for a radical overhaul

Doubts cast on value of Holyrood's new tax proposals