I WAS in hysterics laughing when I read Murdo Fraser wishes the Scottish Parliament to reform. Since Ross and his performing seals became the official opposition they have done more to discredit Holyrood than any other party. The Tory performing seals have managed to turn Holyrood into a bigger joke than Westminster.

That Tory cabal’s total contribution to Scottish society is oink oink SNP bad clap clap clap. A total joke.

Jim Dunn
via email

READ MORE: Rishi Sunak REFUSES to apologise for Scottish independence comments

“Tory MSP Fraser in bid to ‘reform’ Scottish Parliament with think tank paper” (May 13).

Let’s take back control over our parliament, starting with a rule that all parties and candidates taking part in Scottish elections must be registered, located, funded and controlled within the jurisdiction of the Holyrood parliament.

John Jamieson
South Queensferry