ROBIN McAlpine’s criticism of the Scottish Government’s special advisers as “outward-looking PR monkeys” (Special advisers being ‘dreadfully misused’ in delivering on policy, May 12) triggered something which has bothered me for a while.

When you look at several of the most popular newspapers available in Scotland you realise that they are virulently anti-SNP and anti-Scottish Government. They never have a decent word to say about them. (By the way, television news is not blameless either.)

READ MORE: Rishi Sunak mentions 'Scottish nationalists' in speech about extremism

This must tend to engender a very defensive attitude by the government and its advisers, while “educating” some of their readers into a similar attitude.

Surely there must be areas where the SNP can push back against those newspaper moguls who are using the the power of their presses to try to keep Scotland powerless. Do they pay taxes in Scotland or even in the UK? Are they domiciled in Scotland or even the UK? What is their incentive for preserving this unfair Union? What exactly are they getting out of it?

R Millar