THE SNP have piled pressure on Keir Starmer to clarify whether a future UK Labour government would attempt to impose nuclear power stations on Scotland.

It comes after Scottish Secretary Alister Jack revealed earlier this week the UK Government is taking forward plans to build a nuclear reactor in Scotland despite SNP opposition.

First Minister John Swinney (below) was among those to hit out at the decision, saying Jack exhibited “menacing behaviour” by keeping the plans for a new nuclear plant secret from the Scottish Government.

The National: Newly elected leader of the Scottish National Party John Swinney in the Garden Lobby at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh (Jane Barlow/PA)

We also told how Scottish Greens MSP Mark Ruskell has written to Anas Sarwar calling on him to commit to any future UK Labour government ruling out a new nuclear reactor being built in Scotland.

The SNP wants a number of key questions answered, including whether or not an incoming UK Labour government would attempt to override democracy in Scotland and impose nuclear reactors despite opposition.

MSP for Strathkelvin and Bearsden Rona Mackay, who raised the issue at this week’s FMQs, told The National: “Scotland doesn’t ned expensive nuclear reactors – especially ones which have been imposed on our communities against the position of our democratically elected Scottish Parliament.

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“We are well used to Tories’ in Westminster dismissive attitude towards Scotland – what we now urgently must know is whether Sir Keir Starmer also intends to go down the same road.

“In Scotland, we have a booming renewables industry which we have provided further support to this week with significant investment in projects in Ardersier and Nigg.

“Removing investment from green, clean energy to back risky nuclear options would be a mistake.

“The SNP is calling on Sir Keir to outline specifically whether or not he also plans to attempt to impose new nuclear power stations on Scotland.”

In his letter to Sarwar, Ruskell called on the Scottish Labour leader to also provide clarity on what any future UK Labour government’s plans would be.

The National has approached Starmer for comment.