YOUNG Scots for Independence (YSI) has confirmed the full line-up of speakers for their Our European Future conference, set to take place this weekend.

The SNP's youth wing has organised a major international event to discuss Scotland’s path to independence and a way back to EU membership, which will take place from May 17 to 18 in Stirling.

A delegation of 25 youth leaders across eight political parties from Germany, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the European Free Alliance will be in attendance, as well as a number of senior SNP MSPs, MPs and general election candidates.

READ MORE: Olaf Stando: Why I'm organising a conference on Scotland's European future

The two-day conference will feature a range of speeches, panel discussions and networking events. Laura Webster, editor of The National, will feature on Saturday’s panel discussion, A year where we can beat the right?: How do progressives win the argument and reclaim the narrative?

A keynote speech is also planned for the second day of the conference, with the speaker still to be announced.

See the full list of speakers below.

  • Hannah Bardell MP
  • Amy Callaghan MP
  • Maya Hay, YSI vice-convener
  • Drew Hendry MP
  • Felix Hoffman, Europe for Scotland
  • Stewart McDonald MP
  • Andrea Pisauro, Europe for Scotland
  • Anum Qaisar MP
  • Lesley Riddoch, director of Nordic Horizons, author, broadcaster, journalist
  • Angus Robertson MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture
  • Maylis Rossberg, EFA party lead candidate for the EU elections
  • Tommy Sheppard MP, SNP Scotland spokesperson in House of Commons
  • Alyn Smith MP, SNP’s EU accession spokesperson in House of Commons
  • Kaukab Stewart MSP, Equalities Minister
  • Julie Ward, former Labour MEP
  • Laura Webster, editor of The National
  • Morag Williamson, Yes for EU