A FATAL Accident Inquiry is to be held into the death of a Scots teenager who took his own life after he was placed in a locked adult psychiatric ward.

Harris Macdonell, 19, was sent to the ward after experiencing a breakdown following a delayed diagnosis of autism.

The teenager, who lived with his family near Melrose, in the Borders, died in August 2020. His family have said they believe he would still be alive if he had received the right care for his condition.

The Lord Advocate has decided it is in the public interest to hold a Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) to examine the full circumstances surrounding his death.

The decision follows an independent investigation by the procurator fiscal.

Andy Shanks, who leads on fatalities investigations for the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, said:

“The Lord Advocate has decided that a discretionary FAI should be held into the causes of this tragic death to ensure that there can be a full public hearing of the facts of the case.

“The procurator fiscal has now started work to initiate this inquiry and there are a number of legal steps which must be taken before it can commence.

“Harris’s family will be kept informed of what will happen next.”